Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 2 and 3

Wow!  These last 2 days have been so amazing and so busy, there has been no time to share about it!  We´ve led another day of VBS, Evangalism dinners, door-to-door evangalism, played baseball, and led an evening "youth" service.  So much to be thankful and give praise for!  Our door-to-door teams have reached at least 7 neighborhoods (and the town isn´t that big), we´ve shared the gospel with well over 20 people.  I might even guess close to 50?  Jorge prayed with a man today for salvation!!  Jon Diaz and Anna also shared the gospel with a woman who prayed for salvation!  There are many people who are really interested in lisening to the gospel, and Bart and Jon are making sure members of the church are prepared to share it.  Many of the local members have been going with us on our door-to-door excursions, and are soaking up the process.  Andre loves the 5 points of the Evangalism Explosion outline!  (He and his friend Venicios have become our local guides and are sort of joining our group for out time in Lindoia)  It amazes me everyday how much we are seeing God work here.  I´ve seen such an impact on myself as well as the community (For now, I, Rachel, write the posts because there is only 1 computer and very little time).  I am not known for being a morning person.  In fact, many might compare me to a bear before I have a chance for coffee.  Every morning so far, I have woken up with so much excitement, I find myself singing (in Purtuguese!)!  Today we played baseball with the kids, made bubbles, and painted faces.  Many of the kids had never played baseball before, and they had a blast.  We have some naturals here!  This evening we were invited to the church for a youth meeting.  There are only about 4 youth in the church and they are trying to change that.  They wanted Josh to come in and show them some new things, like our youth group.  We had a lot of fun things planned.  We arrived at the church to no youth, and many adult members of the church!  Quick change of plans, we still had a "youthy" service with ice breakers, Jorge shared his story about how helping a man find salvation, Josh shared a devotional about spreading the Gospel and I shared my testimony.  It has been amazing seeing God work in this community!

Prayer Requests:

Jon Diaz sprained his ankle.  He has it wrapped and has medicine on it, but it is still bothering him a little.  It has been difficult for him to walk around, and we are doing a lot of walking.  Please pray for quick healing.

The Baptist church of Lindoia.  They have about 20 members and are trying to grow.  They have some very passionate people when it comes to sharing the gospel.  Pray that our time here has helped them spark a fire that will spread throughout the community and their church.

Pray for our rest.  We have had a lot of long days and short nights.  We are all starting to get tired and we´re not even half way done.

Praise!!  That we have seen God work in so many ways!  We are making some fabulous friendships with people half way around the world!  Language has only been a minor speed bump.  We are learning that language doesn´t matter when God is involved!

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